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Author: Pam Bolton
Primary Curriculum
Following the launch of the new National curriculum website by Schools Minister Diana Johnson at the end of January, QCDA has sent new primary curriculum handbooks and guidance publications to all primary schools. The handbook contains the curriculum to be taught in all primary schools from September 2011. QCDA's team of network advisers will work with local authorities and clusters of schools on the new curriculum's implementation.

The National curriculum website contains the new primary national curriculum and features an interactive video tour to introduce it. A planning tool aims to help schools prioritise and help schools develop their own curriculum.

A presentation from Ian Williams at QCDA helps explain and puts everything into context.

Article classifications
Target Audience
NAAIDT Members
About Design and Technology
UK Practice
Age range
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2

Submitted by: Phil Driscoll Email:
Publication date: 24th March 2010 Withdrawal date: ---
Created: 24th March 2010 Last updated: 24th March 2010 8:22
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